The Tax Step Out Package is best suited for clients that have a straight forward annual tax return and only want to meet once a year.
- Annual Financial Statements and Tax Return
- Annual Face to Face Review
- Tax Support (telephone and email)
- Xero Subscription
The Tax Step Forward Package is ideal for clients who need to be kept up to date on taxation changes that could possibly affect their annual tax return.
- Annual Financial Statements and Tax Return
- Face to Face meeting every 6 months
- Annual tax planning and optimisation
- Tax Support (telephone and email)
- Superannuation Review
- Mortgage Review
- Xero Subscription
The Tax Step Up Package is tailored towards clients who desire consistent contact throughout the year and want to be kept up to date on all financial issues that impact their annual tax return.
- Annual Financial Statements and Tax Return
- Quarterly Face to Face Meetings
- Annual tax planning and optimisation
- Tax Support (telephone and email)
- Superannuation Review
- Mortgage Review
- Investment Review
- Quarterly Cash Flow and Projection
- Xero Subscription